For all our trusted clients:
We are not ALLOWED to do this for you, as much as we would love to.
We are extremely frustrated by the stance that HMRC are taking, on 4th May they announced that the Self-employed cannot ask their Accountant to make the claim on their behalf.
To make the claim, you as the client need to have or create a government gateway account yourselves – full details are here:
For those needing assistance:
@HMRCgovuk are running webinars on applying for the Self-employed Income Support SchemeĀ #SEISS, you can sign up here:
Total total disgrace by HMRC. A massive thank you to our wonderful chairman Tony Margaritelli for ranting on behalf of us all, The ICPA are actively working behind scenes and making representations to HMRC on this issue. Check out his video here.
Thanks to you all and stay safe,
Nicola and the CC team xx