Office 33 Apollo Business Village, Heol Persondy
Aberkenfig, Bridgend, CF32 9TF

Tim and I returned to the office today to start getting everything ready for us to reopen tomorrow. We were chatting away, and Tim suddenly realised we missed a celebration!

Lockdown has made lots of people forget what day of the week it is, I’m sure, but we actually just realised we missed our own very special birthday!

10 years ago, on 1st June 2010, we started CC Associates Accounting Limited!

We didn’t realise then that we would be so lucky in having such wonderful local clients who have supported us and stayed with us from the start; big thanks to:

Jason Vernon at Bike it, Aberkenfig

and Russell Davies at RJD Motor Services Tondu

Lee, Rob and Michelle at Kitchen and Bathroom Dreams, Aberkenfig

…also those who have come to us during that time as new start ups like:

Chris Gwilym at Vale Flooring and Furniture, Aberkenfig

Amanda Standing at Standing To Grow Nursery and Holiday Club

and existing businesses like Jane and David Davies at Glitter Body Art

We can honestly say we have enjoyed every minute of being able to support all our clients, offer advice and experience, and as most of our clients will testify, they are friends now – and a very special part of the CC Associates family..

Thank you all – whether it be that you have stuck with us right from the start, have joined us in the interim, or will be joining us in the future – for your support and we are so very grateful.

Here’s to the next 10 years..!